

BPM hotels

Hotel chain specialized in the exploitation of innovative assets focused on experience.

Its main objective is to provide an exceptional and memorable experience for each client who chooses to stay at one of the BPM hotels. From the moment of reservation to check-out, the chain is concerned with exceeding expectations and creating unforgettable memories for each visitor.

Innovation and Unique Experiences

Innovation is a fundamental pillar in the management of ehogroup's BPM hotels. These hotels seek to offer unique and differentiating experiences that go beyond the standard amenities of a hotel. From exciting water experiences to exclusive musical events, the chain strives to surprise its guests with original and exciting proposals.

Personalization and Attention to Detail

ehogroup stands out for its focus on personalizing each guest's stay. They recognize that each customer has different preferences and needs, so they tailor their services and offerings to meet individual demands. From the choice of amenities and services to entertainment and dining options, every aspect of the stay is designed with the guest's preferences in mind.

Aquatic and Musical Experiences

ehogroup's BPM hotels offer aquatic and music experiences that elevate the guest experience to another level. This can include themed pools, exciting water activities, and live musical performances for visitors to enjoy. These themed experiences seek to add a special and memorable touch to the guest's stay.

Focus on Guest Satisfaction

Guest satisfaction is a priority for ehogroup. The chain maintains a customer-oriented service culture, where every team member strives to ensure guests feel welcome and cared for at all times. The goal is to exceed expectations and ensure that each guest has an unforgettable and satisfying experience.

In summary, ehogroup's management of the BPM hotel chain is characterized by a guest-centric approach, innovation, personalization and the creation of unique experiences. BPM hotels seek to offer a complete experience around the stay, including aquatic experiences, music and extensive customization to ensure that each guest has an exceptional and memorable stay.

Hotels that are part of BPM hotels

BPM Lloret Hotel

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